In case internet fuckery hasn't gotten funny/exciting/disgusting/distracting enough for you, behold everyones new fmylife...Texts from Last Night (Thanks Vanita).
Some of my favorites include:
-(132): if you force a hooker to have sex with you and dont pay her would it be rape or theft? something to ponder
-(901): I dont get chicks, its like they only care about themselves and money
(813): sounds like you understand them just fine
-(313): Jason just peed on the potty all by himself!!
(1-313): "omg awesome!, you do realize we aren't together anymore"
-(601): How can something that makes you feel so good one day make you feel so bad the next?
(318): Alcohol?
(601): Sex with a fat chick.
-(832): I'm sad I can't be there is wknd, I'm laying on the beach and daydreaming of you / crying a bit
(303): I'm watching a porn and daydreaming of you. Sounds like we both need Kleenex
Check out Vanita's site, Part Time Sweetheart/ Full Time Smartass and find more ridiculousness such as this.
...trying to bang out "The Epic Battle for Attention" before Italy on Saturday. Ciao ragazzi.