Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Word from Street

The incomparable Sarah Street has taken a minute to share her latest poem with all of you. Dedicated to the big spenders whose only depth is in their wallets.

Mr. Moneybags

Mr. Moneybags,
How you gaze at me so lasciviously whilst I sip on my champagne.
I want to kick you quite hard in the private parts, though I fear it would be in vain.
But how comical it would be to me to watch you writhe around in pain.

But wait, I am too hasty and cruel.
Your pardon I must certainly beg.
You are, afterall, just a man
And think only with your third leg.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Epic Battle for Attention

There’s a girl I met about a year ago who could be most men’s fantasy: comparable to opening the pages of Maxim or clicking on the “Recommended” tab on YouPorn (guilty). I had met her a few times prior to her acknowledging my presence, as she is a cocktail waitress and meets men almost as a job description. But on the particular occasion where we began our friendship, it took a few choice words to gain her interest in an unassuming young man who until then was then just a face in the crowd. She had it all: the figure, the charm, with an accent to boot. One of her favorite songs happened to be the Peggy Lee classic “Hey Big Spender,” and trust that she had many. Men would offer her the world for a wink and a smile, and they would come by the dozens. This is the kind of woman I would never approach as I’m sure she’d be out for the money and fame. What attracted me to her was not her looks and her charm, but more her fun-loving demeanor and a high recommendation from a good friend who had broken that boundary. The truth is I wanted nothing from her in the classic male sense (i.e. bending her over the kitchen counter or pulling up her skirt in the back seat of an SUV-at the time I had too much of that and not enough substance in my life). It took me telling her this very plainly for her to give me the time of day. We are very close friends now and have been since that day.

There’s no secret that attention is a very basic human desire, but I wondered why it was that approaching someone in a classic or chivalrous manner got you nowhere these days. I began to read medical journals and analyze the people around me. This opened doors to some very uncomfortable truths about how people try and attract attention, especially when they had to compete for it with those around them.

I read somewhere that when men and women were primitive and were developing their sexual prowess, they took quite different approaches on how to attract the opposite gender. Primitive males were physically dominant and overpowering, and would command this attraction through being the strongest of their species. The females recognized this, and would come up with ways to draw attention to themselves in hopes to earn a male who could protect and provide for them. Often, they would tease and be bashful, stealing the men’s possessions and shamelessly “flirting.” The females who were the best at drawing this attention would win over the strongest of their male counterparts, achieving a victory of sorts.

Fast-forward to 2009. “Strength and protection“ are euphemisms for “money” or “ stature.” Many do not have these luxuries, especially in today’s fiscal state. So we turn to whatever attention-getting techniques we know in hopes that we will be loved or get laid. It just so happens that a lot of us have it all wrong. The girls are competing with each other using tactics that are not only cat-like and hurtful, but ultimately masochistic. And us men? We are still trying to flash our money, stature, and good looks around as an advertisement, buying bottles with sparklers and hoping someone will notice.

Alright ladies I’ll get to you first. Lying, cheating, out-drinking each other and setting each other up for failure is getting you nowhere. We see it all. Stop setting up your best friends, quit making up stories about your past, your future, your families, or your charity work just to get us to take notice and/or care. Many of us are only looking for one thing at first, with a hope in the back of our mind that we will be surprised by an honest intellectual rather than someone who just wants to get fucked in a bathroom by a Ford model, club promoter, or financial analyst. And furthermore, if you are going to continue this crazy behavior, do not complain about why you can’t find a nice guy. The answer is right there below your skirt and in your glass.

And to my gentlemen counterparts, let’s all find some class. “Class,” the way James Dean, Sinatra, or Kennedy had it, has all but vanished, and we now feel that spreading our peacock feathers is the best way to find what we’re looking for. All we get are groupies and girls that can’t hold their liquor when we start projecting our wealth, looks, or success using a drunken slurred public service announcement. Give a little at a time, and stop putting so much energy on sleeping with women. Start putting that energy into making women want to sleep with you.

Think about the earlier story. Had it not been for all of these men chasing her, or had it not been for all of the girls I’ve experienced, perhaps the cocktail waitress would’ve given me the time of day much sooner. Perhaps I would’ve seen her for who she is rather than classify her as a cocktail waitress hungry for attention.

But then again, maybe it’s because of all of this that we are close today.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The greatest performer of our lifetime

Remember when entertainers used to be famous because of their talent?

Despite all of the controversy that surrounded his life, he was the reason why I fell in love with music. I remember being about 7 years old, asking my mom and dad for a leather jacket in a 90 degree Miami summer just so I could put on my black loafers, my white socks, and practice my moonwalk in style. I watched Moonwalker at least 50 times and owned it on VHS. My mom had the chance to meet him and got me a personalized signed photo, which was my most treasured posession for a good part of my childhood. If you were a child of the 80's or early 90's, he was in your DNA, and there will never be another like him.

I don't pretend to understand what it is like to skip your childhood, or what the high price of infamy entails. Michael was a victim of both, it seems, and the ending was inevitable. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank him for making my life that much more enjoyable.

One day, I'll be 80 years old on some comfy rocking chair, going back and forth as fast as I can, and Thriller will be blaring on repeat. If that is the day I die, I'll die a happy man.


Check out an excellent tribute and remix album available here.

Monday, May 11, 2009

It would be my honor to be your new stepfather

Anyone's mothers feeling lonely? Call me crazy, but I think Susan Sarandon could properly get it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Say "Yes" to Safe Texts.

In case internet fuckery hasn't gotten funny/exciting/disgusting/distracting enough for you, behold everyones new fmylife...Texts from Last Night (Thanks Vanita).

Some of my favorites include:

-(132): if you force a hooker to have sex with you and dont pay her would it be rape or theft? something to ponder

-(901): I dont get chicks, its like they only care about themselves and money
(813): sounds like you understand them just fine

-(313): Jason just peed on the potty all by himself!!
(1-313): "omg awesome!, you do realize we aren't together anymore"

-(601): How can something that makes you feel so good one day make you feel so bad the next?
(318): Alcohol?
(601): Sex with a fat chick.

-(832): I'm sad I can't be there is wknd, I'm laying on the beach and daydreaming of you / crying a bit
(303): I'm watching a porn and daydreaming of you. Sounds like we both need Kleenex

Check out Vanita's site, Part Time Sweetheart/ Full Time Smartass and find more ridiculousness such as this.

...trying to bang out "The Epic Battle for Attention" before Italy on Saturday. Ciao ragazzi.


Monday, April 13, 2009

More Mail!

From: Shy Iland

In a recent study that was conducted on the question why do man get out of bed in the middle of the night, the results where as follows:

5% said they are going to have a glass of water

12% said they are going to the bathroom

and 83% said....that they are going home.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some of us need this...

Behold...The Drunk Dial Blocker! Here via Urbandaddy. This application will take numbers that you input and temporarily delete them for a given time period, preventing the intoxiated dialer from making the mistake of calling the person they really don't want to talk to. It's like a contraceptive that only works with ex's and ugly chicks. God Bless technology.

Link to actual application is below kitty.

Get the bad decision blocker.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So, Who's Your Daddy?

A few months ago I was in the company of someone I briefly knew long ago but haven’t seen in a while; stunningly attractive, well-educated, well-dressed, complete bitch. She was out with a group of mutual friends, engaging very few of them, all the while involved in a text message exchange with a man she was obviously interested in. As I’m admiring her ability to command attention (and her choice of the low-cut white shirt), I start to pick up morsels of her story. I find out that she’s interested in a guy with a bad reputation, even worse is he has absolutely no interest in her. So shes living to win over a man who is unavailable to her except to mess up her bed sheets after striking out or getting drunk. Lorenzo from A Bronx Tale echoes: “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.” Miss Havisham calls her a beautiful fool. The man stops texting her and she is visibly upset. She is narcissistic, but only out of her own insecurity. She is lost, but she is captivating -- particularly to me.

I remember having a drink with my best friend and asking him why he thought women always wanted what they could never have. He laughed, telling me that some have “daddy issues,” and it manifests itself in this type of insecure behavior. While the concept was never unfamiliar to me (think strippers), I focused on exactly how it applies to the women I encounter.

Carl Jung called it the Electra Complex: the idea that a woman’s perception of a man begins with her father figure. Because of this, she forms a subconscious bond with him that make her receptive to his traits. If the traits are positive, the attraction follows suit, but if they are negative, she desires to defeat the trait. OK, so if a girl has a father who is emotionally unavailable due to work, extramarital affairs, etc., she chooses a similar companion. She wants to change them, essentially achieving victory... over him, her father, and for herself.

Well, shit. I can think of at least of few of those who have been my dates.

One girl I knew was in love with a celebrity prior to our “friendship” (her words). A rock star, who would spend his time on the road drinking and sleeping with groupies. She loved him for his talent, for the fact that he was difficult to put a leash on, and especially that he lived a lifestyle which she could not control. If things were perfect, they were not appealing, and I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure she never felt she deserved to be happy. Despite her lack of desire for up-front confrontation, she needed a healthy amount of drama to make the relationship seem legitimate. So as a result of our different drama quotient (amongst other things I'm sure), she didn’t want me to pursue her any further. Even now, I still think she is a great person...and I have to thank her for doing me a huge favor, as it would have changed both our lives for the worse.

Another girl I spent time with had been cheated on. Her mom was unmarried and mistrusted most men, so her daughter believed from a young age to expect the worst. She rewarded the men she chose with passive-aggressive behavior once she won them over, making them feel inadequate and over-dramatic. She was always on offense, so she had no guard to put up, and it was because she was let down so often. It was my own mistake to think that it would change. It never did, at least not with me, and so it went. Relationships like these are like fat kids on see-saws…there is always an imbalance of power, and someone goes slamming on the concrete.

So then I found good old Oedipus, Freud's mirror of Electra, which zeros in on a man's relationship with his mother. Men, according to Freud, will often project feelings about their mothers on their relationships with other women. That seemed ok. I have two women in my life I would like my partner to emulate. But next came that punched-in-the-stomach feeling.

Do I have Mommy issues?

My mother is a worldly person, a hard worker, well-spoken. My stepmother has infinite patience and a calming ability to reason with even the most high-strung and erratic of people. Both of them helped and consoled me through hard times. Even more important, though, is they call me out on my shortcomings. I know this is a good thing. I would even like to believe it has made me a better man. But when I realized I search for these "mother" traits in women, I was reminded why it is I’m still single.

Maybe it's not an “issue” at all. An issue would be going after negative or abusive qualities, and somehow making it a moral victory. Taking the best traits of two very important women and using them as a baseline is not settling for something that just isn't good enough.

But here’s the thing, I’m still face to face with the beautiful, sophisticated, narcissistic bitch who is wasting her time on the emotionally unavailable and abusive man of her dreams. As a matter of fact I think she just got a text.

And I am still captivated by her.

Fuck Freud.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Mail Time!

This made it's way into my inbox today...

FROM: Nanci Ross

Recently a "Husband Super Store" opened where women could go to choose a husband from among many men. It was laid out in five floors, with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascended. The only rule was, once you opened the door to any floor, you HAD to choose a man from that floor; if you went up a floor, you couldn't go back down except to leave the place, never to return.

A couple of girlfriends went to the shopping center to find some husbands...

First floor: The door had a sign saying, "These men have jobs and love kids." The women read the sign and said, "Well, that's better than not having a job or not loving kids, but I wonder what's further up?" So up they went.

Second floor: The sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking." "Hmmm," said the ladies, "But, I wonder what's further up?"

Third floor: This sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, are extremely good looking, love kids and help with the housework." "Wow," said the women, Very tempting." But there was another floor, so further up they went.

Fourth floor: This door had a sign saying "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak." "Oh, mercy me," they cried, "Just think what must be awaiting us further on! So up to the fifth floor they went.

Fifth floor: The sign on that door said, "This floor is empty and exists only to prove that women are fucking impossible to please. The exit is to your left, we hope you fall down the stairs."

NOTE:Please send me any email or joke you think may be post-worthy, and I'll be sure to include it in DDD's mail posts going forward.

Happy Valentine's Day weekend. Rant will follow sometime tomorrow. My work here is far from finished.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I cannot stop laughing.

via Pigeons and Planes

By now you've probably seen this video of some poor kid (who i now know as David) that was coming back from the dentist on morphine. Well now someone went ahead and mashed it up with Christian Bale's infamous set outburst. The result? Priceless. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Woman Drivers

...and you all swear you are so good!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MTA= Making Therapy Acceptable

Sorry but after this morning I need a moment to vent.

My friends know that I often compare my love affair with Manhattan to a puppy, hopelessly in love with his abusive master. While the puppy loves his master's home, he still gets the crap kicked out of him every day. I know I'm not alone when I say so many small things on a daily basis drive us nuts. My pet peeves: slow walkers, sludge, the liquid that drops from people's air conditioning and makes you think that either it's raining or that you've been shit on by a pigeon, steam pipes that blow sewage-flavored mist in your face, the winding West Village grid, and the cross-town bus. But nothing gives me greater displeasure than my morning commute. I think I wake up every day thinking today is the day I will be an optimist, only to revert to cynicism by about 8:50 when the #2 train is stuck between Canal and Franklin. And did I mention someone keeps rubbing their purse into my ass??

My typical morning is waking up about 20 minutes late followed by a scramble to my train. Lately, my MetroCard is always empty (I never buy the old habit from when I was traveling non-stop), and I am too often the one behind the idiot/tourist/fill-in-the-blank who can't swipe the card correctly and is relentless in punching buttons or pushing the metal arm to put some excitement in their day. Inevitably, I run downstairs to miss my first train as it has either just left or is in the process of being crammed into by delusional people who think a 12 foot ass can fit in about a foot of space. Next train is mine.

I cram myself into my own foot of space, with renewed hope that one day, right in front of me there will be a pretty woman. I daydream of her cracking a laugh at the predicament we're in, when she realizes that she is having a hard time keeping her breasts from rubbing into my elbow. I'm about to ask for her name when the train jolts, my eyes open, and there is no pretty girl in front of me. Instead, It's one of the following 5 every single day.

1) The "Take Up Two Seats Bubble Coat Fatty"

The fact that your jacket is made up of a series of water wings does not warrant two seats. This is bullshit. I can take the seat right next to you, slide you over slightly and deflate your coat so that more people can make it to work on time. One person, one seat. A win-win.

2) The "Shoulder to shoulder newspaper reader"

I got in an honest-to-god fight with a guy one morning for this: People are packed in the train like sardines, practically eating each other's breakfast, and some narcissictic fool slaps open The Wall Street Journal and flaps his arms around like a goddamn pterodactyl, over and over, to turn his sorry pages. Nothing, I mean nothing gets me more irate than those who are oblvious to the rest of us they share the planet with. (Do you hear that walking crack-berry addicts?)

3) The Ponytail

Ponytail Girl, you may be a little more innocent than the Down Coat Douche Bag, or Mr.Important Newspaper Reader but honestly, screw you anyway. If I wanted a mouthful of your hair I'd go to your house and lick your pillow. Please be careful where you are swinging that horse mane and be aware of those behind you. Thank you :).

4) Hot Breath

This is an easy one: Brush your last-night's onion eating, plaque covered, coffee stained teeth before you even think about breathing over anyone's shoulder. No excuses-ever.

5) The Roller Case carrier

Instead of taking up space, take a cab. The only thing that should be on wheels in here is this train. If that thing scuffs my shoes or trips me one more time ,or some other asshole pushes me down because he thinks he has space and can't see your bag, you're going to have to file a claim for lost luggage.

People, have I missed anyone here?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This Just In: Cello Scrotum is not an actual medical condition.

HERE via

The string section may now return to its regularly scheduled sexual activity.

Monday, January 26, 2009

You can't serve it unless you can swallow it...

I spend a lot of time talking about how insane most single New York women are, but do not get it confused. They are that way for a reason. Some may be blissfully ignorant, but others are running for the hills due to the caliber of men available to them. Enter Amanda Stiles, who recently found me on Facebook (gotta love the social network!), and blessed my life with her blog "Online Dating: The Bad, the Worse, and the Hilarious." Check it out here.

Guys: start acting right and avoid unnecessary humiliation.

Amanda: give me a call.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Now this looks like a President...


The basketball dribble gets me every time.

Shout! Shout! Let it all out...

Guys, I uploaded this swift new shoutbox on the blog so that you can get some words out in dialogue.

Those who know me also know I'm heavy into music so I may drop a gem or two on there for you to download.

The blog has been growing every day and I'm so happy that you are all a part of it.


Face to Facebook

While I was taking time off work and internet stalking yesterday (guilty as charged), I noticed someone’s status update that posed an interesting question.

Sara is wondering if we even need 10 year high school reunions after facebook.”

It got me to thinking about exactly how internet databases, Facebook being the primary, have affected our daily lives. It allows us to make connections with old friends, to date, to find others with similar hobbies, and to expand businesses from small to large. Hell, it may have even helped win a Presidential election last year. There is no question it has helped shape the way we perceive people and the way we communicate in some very positive ways. But do we not realize how incredibly impersonal these databases can be?

As usual, there are a couple of things that frustrate me. Allow me to elaborate.

I’ll start at the most mundane but most annoying factions of the database’s impact: can we please stop with the applications? It is not going to change my life if you throw a snowball at me, hug me, kiss me, buy me a drink, or poke me on the internet. It’s the internet. You cannot throw a snowball at me from your computer. I am not closing my eyes and imagining you throwing a snowball at me while I’m taking a break from resuscitating my accounts or writing rants. I do not need the snowball update on my blackberry while I’m out having drinks or spending time with my family. Quite frankly, fuck your snowball.

Continuing on, please listen carefully. If you are not a model, meaning if you do not get paid to take pictures, please don’t put your inaccurate, doctored –up glamour shot on your homepage to deceive us all. If this sounds shallow I don’t apologize. I think I speak for anyone who has ever decided that it was OK to invite a friend of a friend out based upon an attractive default picture and was severely let down. I consider it a lie to post those pictures, and I don’t like liars. There, depth satisfied.

Then there’s this new phenomenon called Facebook chat. I actually love this application since it has helped me reconnect with some amazing people that I have met along my way. But I’m kicked off more than Florida Gators football (meaning they score a lot of touchdowns). It’s usually right when I’m about to make a great point or say something funny. Looks like the joke is on me.

Now before everyone tells me how angry I sound, I’ll say this clearly. I do not hate Facebook. I happen to like it, and those that are simliar (myspace, smallworld, twitter, etc.). I will not pretend that I am not on my pages daily (although the dating sites are not for me), or that I haven’t used them to get my words out or help myself in my small projects. I also love to learn about some of my friends’ great ideas and/or projects. My mom's even on Facebook. But getting back to the original status update, my point is that I hope that we don’t forget the benefit of human interaction. It’s part of why the romance is suffering. It’s difficult to create a real relationship over the web just like it’s hard to throw a snowball, and with so much information at your fingertips, it’s hard not to have attention deficit disorder. It might be better to spend more time face to face with people, and a little less time face to Facebook.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hello 2009.

I must apologize for the posting delay: brain on hiatus due to the abundance of tiny dresses, rooftop mojitos, and Ed Hardy in South Beach. Happy New Year to me.

After watching the turd drop from 2007's proverbial anus that became 2008, I couldn't help but to be optimistic for the year ahead. 2009 started changing even before it became official, from Lindsey Lohan's sexual orientation to the increased responsibility of Hockey Moms. There's also this guy Obama that's about to be sworn in to The House, making middle-Americans everywhere lament at their nearest Mickey-D's over their Big Mac's and refillable fountain sodas.

So we start the year with “sanitation engineers” (read: the garbage men) having more job security than some of our country's smartest and most insightful salespeople, analysts, and executives. And yet, I attended a New Years event where many of the newly unemployed spent over $20,000 drinking away their sorrows and self-hatred, and paying for sexual favors. My optimism is at peak when I think of how great it will be for these unfortunate fellows to regain their jobs and raise the bar on that spending habit.

But I digress: my optimism is truly reflected in some predictions I made for American society. If these come true, I for one will be fine in '09.

1)"The Hipster" will finally hit the full-on mainstream market and take over all forms of retail including (but not limited to) JC Penny, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls. Suddenly, my vintage Fubu Fat Albert attire will be considered a fashion-forward approach. Hey hey hey.

2) The popular phrase will change from "That's Busch League" to "That's Bush League." The meaning, however, will remain the same.

3) Dora the Explorer's sidekick, Diego, will get his own show called Diego the Adventurer. And when he gets on, he'll leave her ass for a white girl.

4) Rod Blagojevich will sell his soul to the devil for an additional term as Illinois governor and the daily special at SuperCuts.

5) Kanye West will make a country music album that applies to all genres. He will call it "Achey-Breaky Heartbreak," making Miley twitch while she's sitting on her dad's lap naked, and it will sell a million in its first week.

6) The 80's wave will die when VH1's latest reality show "Milli Vanilli: Faking Fame and Finding Real Love" debuts. Tweens everywhere will be lip-syncing "Blame it on the Rain," while marveling at the sexual prowess of their flowing (blonde!) dreads.

7) Left-wing fanatics will terror-bomb Hummer drivers on sight.

8) The BCS will have a playoff system. Right, Barack?

9) We will be financially sound, after we are bailed out when we finally find me Lucky Charms.

10) The return of Dave Chapelle.

Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he? Maybe 2009 is the year where this cynic sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Now that you have my predictions, I welcome you to write your own.

Happy ’09.


Friday, December 26, 2008


Thank you all so much for the feedback on Facebook and for the insane amount of hits I've had in this first week! But if you guys don't start discussing these things on the site I'd be better off writing a journal. Make comments! You can tell me you love me or to go fuck myself, I don't care, but I want to see some action.

Love you.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Tit Painting

I've seen the power of strong women from an early age. Both of my grandmothers wielded fists of fury and had the ability to influence their men into submission. Legends about my mom's mom, Lily, include the time she once threw an onion at my grandfather so hard,it lodged into the wall. When angry she was relentless, but completely adored by many. At age 6, when most kids are killer at Candyland, Me-ma Lily taught me how to play Black Jack, cigarette in hand (her, not me), with a mason jar full of quarters. I'd use the change to buy candy when I won her. Years later I would use this skill winning money at Vegas tradeshows surrounded by colleagues and concubines. I always think of her though because she had character, and was one. A gorgeous woman, who even in the last years of her too-young life remained strong. I loved her as only her first, adoring grandson could could: even when lymphoma affected her looks and her demeanor, I'd always be there making sure she kept the wig off. I thought she looked most beautiful, just as herself.

My dad's mom, Dorothy…well, to say she was outspoken would be like saying The Shawshank Redemption was just a decent movie, or Shakespeare got a few poems down. She was as loving as she could be vicious, too-often saying things that offended people profusely, while making her loved ones the center of her universe. A unique talent. She had the ability to shock a room into silence but could also light it up with laughter. There was no wonder why my grandfather was a man of few words: Grandma Dorothy commanded the floor.

I'm not sure if this is even pertinent to the blog, but there is a story about her that needs to be told.

Late in her life, Grandma Dorothy was diagnosed with breast cancer. I believe she was in her early 80's at the time, and while she knew she wasn't well she decided the only medicine could be laughter. Yup, good humor...and medicinal marijuana.

When Grandma got stoned she liked to paint. She painted mainly cows, and to this day I am not quite sure why that was her forte. These cows would come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. There was the rustic cow, the scenic cow, the post-modern cow, and even the impressionist cow. However as time passed she widened her repertoire to include other, intriguing subjects.

She was shopping apartments with my cousin, who had just moved down to Florida to start his business. For each one of his walls she envisioned a different painting, but was especially concerned with the bedroom. Grandma Dorothy was of the opinion that for a bachelor to have a nude above his bed showed a certain level of sophistication. So she began painting a portrait of a young lady draped in nothing but a transparent shawl. The painting was done from the chest-up, so attention was immediately drawn to the large breast: everything else was slightly lop-sided. The background she turned into a blend of greens, giving a military camouflage effect and adding to the surreal effect.

When my cousin's girlfriend moved in before their marriage, this painting had to go. And naturally, it had to progress through the chain of Ross bachelors. One day I received an e-mail that described the mission: included were instructions to "keep the legend of the tit painting alive." I won the booby prize.

It is now and will forever be known as the Tit Painting, and it sits above my bed. Since the day it arrived, there has not been one woman that has seen it who hasn't asked for an explanation. It may haunt me in for the rest of its existence, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Date with Destiny

One event in my junior year of college defines my entire outlook on life and love.

It was an afternoon right before our summer break. I finished my exams early and was in the living room of our four-bedroom apartment on a phone call with my ex. Our apartment was collegiate-eclectic, as any apartment housing four boys and a full liquor bar would be. It was full of random items that people who would come and go would leave to be reclaimed later, or not. One of the items: a stainless steel pistol that shot BB's at a powerful pressure. At the time it was sitting on our kitchen counter between the paper towel rack and last night's egg sandwich. Its luster commanded me to grab it, providing an enticing object to a person who's nerves were on end. The "worry-bead" effect. Before I knew it I had the unloaded BB gun in my hand, unconsciously clicking away as the argument escalated.

For the life of me, I cannot remember what this particular argument was about. We had so many of them that to recall one specific altercation would cause an aneurysm. What I do remember is my roommates had upcoming exams. If the distraction of this argument continued the next fight would be with them, so I decided to take the phone call outside as not to bother them. My anger and the BB gun came along.

Our apartment complex was a collection of small buildings set to view each other. Each building was 3 floors tall with 4 units per floor, and each had a balcony. We were on the ground floor at the center of the pavilion, in plain view of all common areas. This was a great set-up for the socially engaging group that we housed at 1753 Exchange. But on this particular day this location would help cause a rupture in an otherwise normal sunny Florida afternoon. There wasn't a whole lot Stephanie was able to say to me without arousing my anger, and my voice escalated as I badgered her on the cell phone, all the while clicking the trigger of my rubber-gripped companion.

I never saw it coming.

Within 20 minutes of stepping outside my front door, I was surrounded on perimeter by three police officers, guns drawn, ready to unload the chambers of their war machines on my trembling 20 year-old body. Nervously laughing, I set down the phone and the BB gun and was face to face with my destiny...and all I could think of while staring down the barrel of this officer's pistol was one thing:

Women are going to get me fucking killed.

The Reason...

...because I'm 24 years old, and my generation is doomed.

Romance is dead, and the roles have changed to where we do not really know who is who anymore. Processed foods have packed on estrogen to make men as emotional as we've ever been: women know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that they do rule the world. The divorce rate is over 50%. Spontaneous sex has lost its luster and has become an empty experience, comparable only to a short-lived drug high or a $600 government reimbursement; a temporary fix to a more permanent problem.

More victims of heartbreak appear every day, if you listen to the lyrics,or take a good, close look at our fashion and our lifestyle. And I'll be damned if I can at least vent about all of it since I can't change a thing about any of it. At least not now.

You may disagree or may think I am dead-on. I guess it depends upon which side of the fence you're standing on, today. I'm not saying happy and successful relationships don't exist. I'm just saying that the majority of the people in my generation are constantly bitching. Complacency is usually found in having options, and that's simply because people do not know how to collaborate in a relationship.

So what makes me the expert?

Years of working in both nightlife and fashion has given me a front row seat to the self-indulgent narcissists of my generation. Plus, I'm a cynic. It's hard not to be. Gas is $4 a gallon, our economy is shit, the music is bad, and New York singles are crazy.

I also feel like I have seen a lot. I am a product of a so-called broken marriage, but that's not what broke me. Both of my parents have found love and family with great success. My father is where I get my pessimism. After his divorce he swore he would never re-marry. He found lasting love while waiting on an elevator. My mother rekindled a relationship she had prior to meeting my father. They both couldn't be happier.

By no means am I perfect. I am stubborn and insecure. I drink too much,overcompensate, and never give the benefit of the doubt. I am the kind of guy who often requires a disclaimer from someone prior to an introduction. Furthermore, every time I think I find what I want, I apply too much pressure. That's just me. I have a laundry list of red flags. Why can I be judgmental on my generation when it comes to meeting the opposite sex? Most likely because I have spent a lot of time on each side of the fence: experiencing serious relationships and being single...each in the fullest sense of the word. And let me tell you, it's a jungle out there. New York City is filled with cougars, snakes, gorillas, and other vicious creatures, some of whom are hell-bent on killing each other through Darwinism and dinner dates. It's survival of the fittest....but who pays the checks?

The purpose of this blog is to comment on some of the experiences I, or some I've met, have gone through. Most of the names will be changed to protect the not-so-innocent. You may be fascinated, disgusted, amused or appalled, but at least you'll be something. Maybe this will illicit some sympathy for the guy you've loved to hate, or the girl you've never understood. Maybe this will just serve as entertainment. Maybe you'll tell me your story. Either way you've made it this far, and I'm sure we will be seeing a lot of each other.
